Who Are We?
SHAPE PA is a volunteer-run organization dedicated to promoting and enhancing health and physical education across the state of Pennsylvania.
Our Mission
To provide leadership, advocacy, and professional development to health and physical educators.
Our Vision
Overall Wellness in Pennsylvania.
Our Board of Directors is led by the Executive Committee (president, past president, president-elect, and executive director) and Board of Director members. The board can range from 9 to 15 members. All positions are voting positions and can vote on business matters of the organization with the exception of the executive director who is the only paid position in the organization. The board meets monthly and works between meetings to create and develop content and services beneficial to health and physical educators. To serve on the board, interested candidates need to complete an application and submit a resume to be considered.
Executive Committee & Board of Directors
2025 Executive Committee & Board of Directors
Executive Director: Dawn Bugajski Brahler
President: Chance Condran
President-Elect: Linda Miller
Past-President: Andrew Silverman
BOD Members: Dr. Jennifer Butz, Dr. Joanne Leight, Rick Howard, Danielle Butterworth, David Schmidt, Dr. Brett A. Cooper, Gina Douglas, Lauren Hedderman, Bernadette Daries, Matt Trout, Ambreelinne Birth
Committees & Locals
SHAPE PA Committees
Physical Education
Health Education
Future Professionals
Publications (Journal)
Professional Development
Leadership and Member Engagement
Social Media and Website
Advancement, Marketing, and Development
Conference Planning
Committees vary from standing (permanent) to ad hoc (a temporary committee established to achieve certain goals or tasks as needed.) Committee chairs and members are presidentially appointed positions (let us know if you are interested!) and can range from 5 to 7 members. SHAPE PA also has active local associations who provide leadership, advocacy, and professional development in a specific geographical location. Serving on a committee or a local association is a great way to get involved with SHAPE PA if you are new to the organization!