SHAPE PA Partners

We sincerely thank our partners for their commitment to SHAPE PA. We encourage you to support them with your business!


Webster's Fitness Products Inc. provides professional sales and service of fitness equipment to school districts. Webster's is the largest supplier of fitness equipment to school districts in Pennsylvania.

Teachers who sign up on and add their school PE class information will receive the Net Generation School Tennis Curriculum digitally. Teachers can then attend a free online or in-person training to increase their knowledge and comfort in delivering tennis in PE environments. Additionally, teachers with a school partner receive free tennis equipment to teach tennis in PE!


Coming Soon


Coming Soon


Free Nutrition Workshop for your 4th Grade Classroom from the Beecher’s Foundation! Our interactive learning standards-aligned workshop-in-a-box turns 4th graders into Food Detectives, one classroom at a time. To learn more, click here.

Teacher of the Year Partners

OPEN Phys Ed is a free, online resource that provides K-12 physical education curriculum, tools, and professional development for teachers, administrators, and parents. OPEN has one mission: to improve the effectiveness of physical education for every child. We help teachers help their students by providing rigorous, outcomes-based curriculum tools to every physical education teacher – no exceptions. OPEN is a public service of US Games and BSN Sports

HealthSmart is a K–12, skills-based health education program that empowers students to think, choose, and act in healthy ways. The primary goal of HealthSmart is to use science-informed approaches to impact students' health behaviors in positive ways. HealthSmart lessons are designed to not only impart key health concepts, but also provide practice in critical health skills that will help children and teens achieve healthy behavior outcomes across all health content areas.

Additional Partners

The SHAPE PA State Conference is supported by the Cooperative Agreement Number NU58DP007322 funded by the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Division of Adolescent and School Health and the Preventive Health and Health Services Block Grant from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provided through the Pennsylvania Department of Health.  The contents are solely the responsibility of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or the Department of Health and Human Services.

Boost Your Cause and Build a Kinder, Healthier Future for Your Students. health. moves. minds.®, powered by Booster is designed to teach students character skills — kindness, respect, philanthropy, advocacy — and to demonstrate the importance of daily physical activity and giving back to the community. More than just another fundraiser — SHAPE America and Booster make it a whole experience!  Through exciting events, valuable life lessons, and reward systems, health. moves. minds. motivates students and families to achieve their best, unlocking your school’s full fundraising potential. SHAPE PA receives a small portion of funding from every Pennsylvania school that participates in this program. Click here to learn more about health. moves. minds.®