Future Professionals

Future Professionals Resources

Future Professionals advisory Committee

The Future Professionals Advisory Committee (FPAC) is composed of a student representative from Pennsylvania colleges/universities with Health and Physical Education teacher preparation programs.

Members of this committee will serve as liaisons between SHAPE PA and their colleges/universities. Their duties include monthly zoom meetings, reporting back to their universities, involvement with SHAPE PA committees, creating professional development opportunities for our future professionals through SHAPE PA, and assisting in projects and tasks assigned by the SHAPE PA Executive Leadership Team and Board of Directors (BOD) . 

Through their experiences on the FPAC, the students will work on developing their leadership skills, network with other students from different universities, learn what other PETE/HETE programs are doing and share back to their campuses, develop planning and organizational skills, build teamwork skills, and have the opportunity to be published in the SHAPE PA communications.

2025 Future Professionals Advisory Committee

Dr. Liz Dlugolecki, West Chester University Professor, Co-Chair

Danielle Butterworth, Penn State University Professor, Co-Chair

Andy Henry - Indiana University of Pennsylvania (Rep-Elect: Keira Baskot)

Taylor Sees - Penn State University (Rep-Elect: Kade Deeter)

Myiah Petroro - Cairn University

Ciara Anthony - Slippery Rock University (Rep-Elect: Evan Wolfgang)

Sarah Landis- West Chester University (Rep-Elect: Brandon Kelly)

Rachel Kingsley - Commonwealth University of PA

Melinda Stellabott - East Stroudsburg University (Rep-Elect: Caleb Mallon)

Joe Benedict & Natalie Hoover - Lancaster Bible College (Rep-Elect: Martha Weaver)

Livia Magers - Ursinus (Rep-Elect: Ryan Woomer)

TBD - Penn West University

TBD - Messiah University

Questions or Interested in Joining FPAC?

Please email Dr. Liz Dlugolecki at EDlugolecki@wcupa.edu or Danielle Butterworth at dch182@psu.edu

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